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Solar Recycling FAQs

  • Can you tell me more about Star Solar Recycling?

    Star Solar Recycling is the your premier solar recycling center. We provide exceptional services and competitive rates to cities, companies, and communities.

    Unlike the world’s current approach to solar recycling, Star Solar Recycling views 100% of the waste stream as a resource. That's why we carefully extract ever component of your retired solar panels and batteries.  Our sustainable solar recycling process reintroduces nearly 100% of the device into production. By placing the focus on putting every piece of your solar device to its highest and best use, Star Solar Recycling delivers benefits to both the economy and the environment. This is the beginning of a movement – an environmental revolution that changes the way the world consumes and reuses resources. Our goal is to create sustainable future.

  • What is Star Solar Recycling's process?

    Star Solar Recycling's recycling practices provides ultimate sustainability and the a practical, affordable way to improve production of sustainable energy.

    It’s all made possible by Star Solar's adherence to SERI R2 and e-Steward policies, which takes in 100% of the waste stream as a resource and manufactures it into new sustainable solar components that can be resold back into the solar device production. This entire process occurs in one location, providing the greatest environmental benefit, while creating new opportunity for solar energy production.

  • How do I contact Star Solar Recycling?

    Getting in touch with Star Solar Recycling is easy! You can either email or use our contact form to get your free quote today! 

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